The impact of federalisation on Nepal's health system: a longitudinal analysis

Professor of Reproductive Health Research
Centre for Midwifery, Maternal & Perinatal Health (CMMPH)
Bournemouth University
Edwin van Teijlingen is a sociologist, Professor of Reproductive Health Research & joint director of the Centre for Midwifery, Maternal & Perinatal Health (CMMPH) at Bournemouth University. He has published more than 260 academic papers and book chapters in the field of health promotion health, midwifery and health services research. He has an interest in socio-cultural aspects of health and health care. To date he has supervised 12 PhD projects on aspects of health in Nepal, eleven are by Nepali students and three are still on-going. He is a member of the UK Research & Innovation International Development Peer Review College (2020-23). Edwin has edited ten books, including a widely used textbook for medical students Psychology & Sociology Applied to Medicine (2019). He had presented sessions on publishing academic papers at many universities in the UK and Nepal. He is a member of various editorial boards based in South Asia: Kathmandu University Medical Journal (KUMJ); Nepal Journal of Epidemiology; Journal of Asian Midwives and Journal of Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences. He is also Visiting Professor at Nobel College, affiliated with Pokhara University as well as at Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences affiliated with Tribhuvan University.